Polini Speed Engine and Polini Evolution mounting spacer.
This spacer is fitted on the inside of your subframe between the third (rear) engine mount and the Polini Speed Engine or Evolution engine's rear mounting point.
Available in aluminium and nylon. The aluminium version is a bit thicker and heavier, whereas the nylon version is a bit thinner and lighter. See material details below.
Fits all Polini Speed Engine and all Polini Evolution engine versions.
Material: Aluminium
Color: Aluminium finish
Heat Resistance: 582°C (400°F)
Dimensions: 19mm x 15mm x 6.4mm (length x outer diameter x inner hole diameter)
Material: Nylon
Color: White
Heat Resistance: 204°C (1080°F)
Dimensions: 19mm x 13mm x 6.4mm (length x outer diameter x inner hole diameter)